Code | Description |
400 | The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter. |
GET /brands 200 { "pagination": { "per_page": 25, "total_pages": 0, "total_objects": 0 }, "brands": [] }
Param name | Description |
page optional |
per_page optional |
name optional |
List brands with names matching the provided string. Validations:
name_like optional |
List brands with names matching, or similar to, the provided string. Slower, but useful for correcting user input. Validations:
approved optional |
pending optional |
in_use optional |
Only return brands that have one or more instrument. Validations:
in_serial_lookup optional |
Only return brands that have one or more serial number ranges defined. Validations:
Code | Description |
400 | The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter. |
GET /brands/4291 200 { "id": 4291, "name": "Breph7f0e927d-3759-4d26-bc7a-710bc9e6cf7a", "approved": true, "type": "Guitars" }
Code | Description |
400 | The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter. |
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: XXXX" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "New Brand"}' "" Response: { "brand":{ "id":549, "type_id": 1, "name":"New Brand", "approved":false } }
POST /brands { "name": "Panasche09ed6ef9-4114-417f-8b97-78de243791d9", "type": { "id": 12074, "name": "Guitars", "subdomain": "guitars" }, "brand": { "name": "Panasche09ed6ef9-4114-417f-8b97-78de243791d9" } } 201 { "id": 4292, "name": "Panasche09ed6ef9-4114-417f-8b97-78de243791d9", "approved": false, "type": "Guitars" }
Param name | Description |
name required |
type_id optional |
Brand type. Only necessary if you are using the generic API ( Validations:
Code | Description |
400 |
PATCH /brands/4294 { "name": "Fender", "brand": { "name": "Fender" } } 202 { "id": 4294, "name": "Fender", "approved": false, "type": "Guitars" }
Param name | Description |
name required |
type_id optional |
Brand type. Only necessary if you are using the generic API ( Validations:
Code | Description |
400 | The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter. |
405 |
DELETE /brands/4299 { "brand": {} } 204