{ "id": 16, "trait_values": { "head_inlay": { value: "PRS Bird" }, "fingerboard_material": { "value": "Ebony", "description": "Diospyros ebenum", "metadata": { "Source": "Africa" } } }, "history": [ { "changes": { "head_inlay": { "old": "Gretsch Horseshoe", "new": "PRS Bird" } }, "created_at": "2016-12-07T08:03:57.732Z", "description": "" } ], "brand": { "id": 2, "name": "Fender", "approved": true, "type": "guitar" }, "model": { "id": 239, "name": "Stratocaster", "approved": true, "brand_id": 2 } }
Returns GitFax items matching the criteria you provide. To search the records for a particlar serial number, pass ?serial_number=X. Note that there may be multiple matches for any given serial number, and you can paginate through results by passing the ?page= option.
Code | Description |
400 | The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter. |
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: XXXXX" "https://api.gitfax.com/items?serial_number=AAA1A34" { "pagination": { "per_page": 25, "total_pages": 1, "total_objects": 1 }, "items": [ { "id": 16, "trait_values": { "head_inlay": { value: "PRS Bird" }, "fingerboard_material": { "value": "Ebony", "description": "Diospyros ebenum", "metadata": { "Source": "Africa" } } }, "history": [ { "changes": { "head_inlay": { "old": "Gretsch Horseshoe", "new": "PRS Bird" } }, "created_at": "2016-12-07T08:03:57.732Z", "description": "" } ], "brand": { "id": 2, "name": "Fender", "approved": true, "type": "guitar" }, "model": { "id": 239, "name": "Stratocaster", "approved": true, "brand_id": 2 } } ] }
Param name | Description |
page optional |
per_page optional |
serial_number optional |
rfid_value optional |
Code | Description |
400 | The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter. |
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: XXXXX" "https://api.gitfax.com/items/24" { "gitfax_item": { "id": 16, "trait_values": { "head_inlay": { value: "PRS Bird" }, "fingerboard_material": { "value": "Ebony", "description": "Diospyros ebenum", "metadata": { "Source": "Africa" } } }, "history": [ { "changes": { "head_inlay": { "old": "Gretsch Horseshoe", "new": "PRS Bird" } }, "created_at": "2016-12-07T08:03:57.732Z", "description": "" } ], "brand": { "id": 2, "name": "Fender", "approved": true, "type": "guitar" }, "model": { "id": 239, "name": "Stratocaster", "approved": true, "brand_id": 2 } } }
Create the GitFax item by passing AxeFax brand, model and submodel IDs, serial number and/or RFID value, and any specific traits identified on this particular instrument. Note that a serial number or RIFD value is required, and cannot be changed once the record is created.
Code | Description |
400 |
curl -X POST -d '{"brand_id": 2, "model_id": 239, "serial_number": "AAA1A34", "head_inlay":926}' -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Authorization: XXXXX" "https://api.gitfax.com/items" // Returns the newly created record
Param name | Description |
name optional |
customer_id optional |
When using the Appraisals API, provide the customer ID which owns the GitFax instrument Validations:
brand_id required |
The brand ID of the instrument. You may also provide a brand name by passing ‘brand` instead. Validations:
brand required |
The brand name of the instrument. You may also provide a brand ID by passing ‘brand_id` instead. Validations:
model_id optional |
The model ID of the instrument within it’s brand. Validations:
model optional |
The model name of the instrument within it’s brand. Validations:
submodel_id optional |
The submodel ID of the instrument within it’s brand. Validations:
submodel optional |
The submodel name of the instrument within it’s brand. Validations:
year optional |
The year of manufacture. Validations:
serial_number required |
The serial number of the instrument that uniquely idenfities it. You may pass ‘rfid_value` instead if you are not using serial numbers. Validations:
rfid_value required |
The RFID tag value of the instrument that uniquely idenfities it. You may pass ‘serial_number` instead if you are not using RFIDs. Validations:
Modify the GitFax item by passing new trait value IDs for trait values. Changes you make are permanently logged to the item’s history and update its modification date. An item’s serial number and/or RFID value cannot be changed after it is created.
Code | Description |
400 |
curl -X PUT -d '{"head_inlay":926}' -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Authorization: XXXXX" "https://api.gitfax.com/items/24" // Returns the same response as GET /items/:id
Param name | Description |
name optional |
customer_id optional |
When using the Appraisals API, provide the customer ID which owns the GitFax instrument Validations:
brand_id required |
The brand ID of the instrument. You may also provide a brand name by passing ‘brand` instead. Validations:
brand required |
The brand name of the instrument. You may also provide a brand ID by passing ‘brand_id` instead. Validations:
model_id optional |
The model ID of the instrument within it’s brand. Validations:
model optional |
The model name of the instrument within it’s brand. Validations:
submodel_id optional |
The submodel ID of the instrument within it’s brand. Validations:
submodel optional |
The submodel name of the instrument within it’s brand. Validations:
year optional |
The year of manufacture. Validations:
serial_number required |
The serial number of the instrument that uniquely idenfities it. You may pass ‘rfid_value` instead if you are not using serial numbers. Validations:
rfid_value required |
The RFID tag value of the instrument that uniquely idenfities it. You may pass ‘serial_number` instead if you are not using RFIDs. Validations:
Note: You must be a GitFax administrator to use this API. Because GitFax stores permanent records of instrument manufacture and maintenance, deleting records is not common.
Code | Description |
400 | The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter. |
curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: XXXXX" "https://api.gitfax.com/items/24" // Returns status code 204